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Monday 21 September 2020

Poultry Adventure Capital Funding

Information about Poultry Adventure Capital Funding

The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries (DAHD&F) launched the Poultry Entrepreneurial Capital Fund Scheme for the year 2005-06. It was observed that this plan was not given enough attention. The poultry element was separated into separate schemes such as the Poultry Entrepreneurial Capital Fund (PVCF) during 2009-10.

The purpose of the scheme

To provide employment opportunities in the backward areas along with the states which are not specially trained to increase the activity of poultry farming.

  • To improve the production of poultry in which those items have a sufficient market advantage across the country.
  • Use technology in units without technology to improve production.
  • To ensure that the customers of the mass get quality product in hygienic condition, to improve the quality of hygienic poultry mass and to make the poultry product available in the market in the urban area and nearby societies through the sales center.
  • Production and help as well as improvement of other poultry such as quails, ducks, turkeys etc. which are of additional importance.

Helpful functions under the scheme::

Shows where the unit price is given. If the cost of the outlay is higher than the stated price, they can increase it with a bank loan for additional margin. The approval of Central Grover Unit, Hybrid Layer and Broiler Unit cannot be increased under this scheme.

Implementation period and area of ​​work::

The revised scheme will be implemented across the country in 2011-12. The scheme has started from April 1, 2011. Their approval and use will be viewed after 1 April 2011.


Farmers, Entrepreneurs, NGOs, Companies, Cooperatives, Unorganized and Organized Sector Groups which include Self Service Group and Responsible Partnership Group.

The individual is eligible for the assistance provided if all their elements come under this scheme at once.

When one member from a family has availed benefits under the scheme, each member will be given a different structure, different area, with their different identity for the set up of the unit. The minimum distance between two farms should be 500 meters.

Keep the Biosecurity Act in mind when covering the area of ​​the unit.

Type of funding::

  • Entrepreneurial part (margin) - Rs. 1 lakh, no bank loan of more than Rs 1 lakh as per RBI guidelines: 10 per cent minimum
  • Capital Fund Subsidy - 25% Outlana (33.33% for SC / ST farmers and North Eastern States including Sikkim)
  • Effective Bank Loan (not eligible for the above subsidy) - 40% of the minimum part of the balance taken out

Linkage with credit::

The credit linked under the scheme should be taken in full and the approval of their project should be given by the appropriate financial institution.

Proper financial institution::

  • Commercial Bank
  • Regional Rural Bank
  • State Cooperative Bank
  • State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank and
  • Another such organization in which they get a second financial help from NABARD.

Projects other than Renewal Unit approved by the Bank

Projects other than Large Processing Units, EMU Processing, Feather Processing and Technology Innovation Unit: The bank may apply for approval for an entrepreneurial project. The bank may assist the project as per its Act and, if eligible, approve the entire outlay, excluding margin in the bank loan. The cost of the entire loan in which the loan installment depends on the success of the unit. After payment of the first installment, the bank may apply to NABARD's regional office for its approval and recommendation for subsidy.

Unit for renovation::

Large Processing Units, EMU Processing, Feather Processing and Units for Technology Innovation: In all these proposals, the financing bank may exhibit the project in front of NABARD Regional Office. Following a preliminary investigation, the proposal will be placed before NABARD's head office and a national level committee for approval. The cost of the subsidy will be decided by this board. When the project is completed, the financing bank will help in getting the first installment and more subsidy from NABARD's regional office. Upon completion of the unit the bank may apply for approval for the last installment of the subsidy.


The repayment period varies depending on the type of work and the income received and the additional period between 5-9 years ranging from 6 months to 1 year.

List of repayments The total cost of the loan (including subsidy) is calculated in such a way that the subsidy price is refunded against the net bank loan (excluding subsidy)

Interest rate::

The interest rate on the loan is determined as per the RBI guidelines and policy announcement. The bank may apply interest rate and subsidy on the entire loan till it is received and interest rate from the first day when the subsidy is received. Interest is also charged for a portion of the effective loan, excluding margins and subsidies in the outlay.


Loan security will be in the guidelines issued by the RBI from time to time.

Time limit for project completion

Time limits for completion of work are included within the project. Which is up to a maximum period of 12 months in which the loan can be extended from the first installment time to three months. If the reasons for the delay are taken into account by the finance institution.

READ ALL INFO Poultry Adventure Capital Funding

If the project is completed within its given time limit the subsidy law is not met and the additional subsidy is with the partnership bank, if a refund is taken from NABARD. Refinance Assistance from NABARD to Professional Bank, RRB, SCB, SCARDBS and other eligibility institutes. Price and interest rates are disclosed by NABARD on refinance from time to time.

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