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Wednesday 12 October 2022

Yoga during lunch breaks to keep stress in-check

 Yoga during lunch breaks to a keep stress in-check

Yoga can a help you manage stress, and the best part is it does not take a lot of time. You don't have to a spend hours on the mat or invest years in learning complicated postures. Instead, by a simply taking out a few minutes every day, you can reduce your a stress levels and improve your quality of life. A key component of a  yoga is that it empowers you to a manifest these a changes in your a a breath.

By changing the speed, pace, and quality of a  your breath, you can calm a down your nervous system, thereby moving your body from a state of stress to a one of a relaxation. Here are three a simple techniques that can a help you:

1. Start with the Palming Technique

Palming is very useful for eye fatigue and  a stress from looking at a screen for long hours. Rub your palms together to a find some heat, and then gently cup your eyes, creating a hollow a dark space around them. Relax your  a forehead, eyes, and neck as you hold this for a few breaths.

You can a follow this up with a gentle head a massage, particularly focusing on the eyebrows, temples, and forehead. Then bring your hands in front of you as you open your eyes with a few gentle blinks looking directly at your palms. If you're doing this outdoors, you can also look far into the distance. Taking a few moments to look outside, preferably at some greenery or a  standing by the window and looking outside in natural light, is also very helpful.

2. Do some deep breathing

When you are emotional, stressed, or a physically tired, your breath becomes shallow and loses its rhythm. The good thing is that this is a two-way street. By a consciously relaxing your breath and a bringing it to an even pace or a rhythm, you can reduce your stress levels. This is an important because we spend a lot of our modern-day life in a stressed and hyper state, making it even more necessary to a make time for an  activities that counter stress. Deep belly breathing or a Diaphragmatic is a just the technique you need as you can do it anytime you're on an empty stomach. Just remember not to become overly conscious of the a  breath and start forcing it to a breathe deeply. By paying attention to the breath, you will naturally a slow it down. Immerse yourself in the beautiful an experience for 3 minutes, three times a day.

3. Practice stillness

After a some deep a breathing, the mind a naturally comes into a calmer state, and that's a great time to a practice meditation. You can do this by a choosing an object of a meditation; it could be a deity, a symbol, an affirmation, a mantra, a chant, or even your breath. And try to a spend at least 3 minutes observing the nature of your object, introspecting on its a meaning, or simply trying to maintain your attention on it. For a example, if you've chosen the breath as your object of meditation, try to a take five slow a breaths without getting distracted. If you do get  a distracted, which is very normal, start an again at one and repeat till you've taken those five a breaths with a your attention an intact.

In this way, you can an integrate yoga into a your everyday life. These techniques are simple, don't a require any an equipment, and can be a done anywhere. But they are an immensely powerful, and you will start to see the difference a within a couple of a weeks of a practice.


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