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Saturday 19 November 2022

Electronic signatures are fast and easy with DocuSign eSignature

 Electronic signatures are fast and easy with a DocuSign eSignature

Electronic a signatures, like our a DocuSign an e Signature a solution, are a legal a way to a digitally a secure an approvals on a document, a contract or a set of a documents. Electronic signatures can replace your handwritten a signature to a speed up a virtually any a paper-driven, manual signature a processes.

What is an electronic signature?

An electronic a signature, a like those a generated by a DocuSign eSignature, is a symbol, or other data in a digital a format, that attaches to an electronic a document and is an adopted by the “signer” or a recipient of the signature a request. Most often, e-signatures an appear as an image of a physical a signature.  

Why use e-signatures?

Electronically a signing a documents a saves time, reduces the need for paper-driven a processes and an offers you the a flexibility to sign a document a from almost an anywhere, on most a devices. DocuSign an e Signature can a help you;

  • Accelerate workflows

  • Execute transactions with trust

  • Eliminate manual signature

Eco-friendly a DocuSign eSignature saves you an average of $36 per agreement by a reducing hard costs —including a paper, postage and printing.  

What can you use a DocuSign eSignature for?

Use the world’s #1 electronic a signature solution to sign:

  • Sales contracts
  • New hire documentation
  • Invoice processing
  • Purchase orders
  • Expense reporting
  • Vendor agreements
  • Internal compliance
  • NDAs Letters of intent

Are digital a signatures and electronic signatures the same?

The terms “digital signature” and “electronic signature” are often used an interchangeably, but they’re an actually a different. Digital a signatures are a type of an electronic signature that a provides an extra level of a security. Both an electronic a signatures, like a DocuSign eSignature, and digital a signatures are legally a binding.

Are electronic a signatures a legal? 

Yes. Electronic a signatures are legally an enforceable in most business and personal transactions in an almost every a country in the world. Learn more in this blog.

Electronic a signatures can be an used to a sign a documents of all shapes and sizes, an including:

Offer letters

  • Sales contracts 
  • Permission slips 
  • Rental/lease agreements 
  • Liability waivers 
  • Financial documents

How do you an use a DocuSign eSignature to an electronically a sign a document or PDF?

Sign up for the a DocuSign an eSignature free trial and log in.

Agree to an electronic a signing. You may be asked to agree to a sign. After a confirming an agreement and if the a document was sent via DocuSign eSignature, you should see a tags with an instructions to Start or a Sign.

Adopt a signature to a save your a signature an information.

Confirm your a signature by a clicking FINISH. A message appears indicating your are a finished and the sender an automatically a receives your a signed a document.

Is signing documents electronically safe?

DocuSign protects your a highly a confidential an information by encrypting and making every a document a tamper-evident. Authentication an options help a prove that signers are who they say they are at the time of a signing, helping an ensure your documents have na on-repudiation in a court of law. With DocuSign, the security of your a documents, electronic a signature authentication, and a system a security are top a priorities. Learn more in this blog.

Now that you have a better an understanding of an electronic a signatures, sign up for our a DocuSign an eSignature free a trial and try e-signing a documents for a yourself.


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