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The meaning of physical education

The meaning of physical education

Many people consider physical education to be a physical test and many people consider jumping, jumping, exercise and other sports as physical education. Many people consider this subject to be a means of entertainment. Of course even in this time many men are connected with ancient ideas, but time is changing at a rapid pace and something new is coming into everything in the world. The age of machines has come for the convenience and comfort of human beings. All our work, which was done by human beings before, is done by machines today. In the past, humans had to work hard for food, shelter, and clothing.

Physical education is education, but the medium of instruction in physical education is physical constructive activities. ” (“G. T. Sarvaiya et al., Principles and Trends in Physical Education, (1st Edition, Patan Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, 2006).

all info about  physical education

Physical education is also a process of education. There are similarities between the two types of education that have a strong belief in the natural abilities of the child and are aimed at developing the whole personality physically, mentally and spiritually. The goal of physical education for the development of the whole personality cannot be different from the goal of general education. Despite the differences in the planning and method of education, the goal of physical education is the same as that of general education. The goal of full development of education cannot be achieved without physical education. The goal becomes not only necessary but also indispensable for the planning of various purposeful activities and for the development of all the powers of the individual. It is important to remember the basic features that are important for goal building. The goal is the ideal, which usually motivates a person to be very high. The goal should always be high. "Not Failure but low aim is crime." "Sorry for the inconvenience, not sorry for the low mark." Not failure, but low target crime. The goal is unattainable (achievable with great difficulty).

The goal of physical education in a democratic India is to make the individual's natural abilities a fully developed and responsible citizen through equal educational opportunity. Everyone in the country should have the opportunity to develop through the educational process. One should be able to develop within one's own strengths, ranks, interests and limitations. The goal of achieving full development of every child can be easily achieved through a variety of activities in physical education, with the convenience of open fields, natural activities. Physical education aims to provide appropriate leadership, adequate facilities and appropriate experiences in a visually beneficial situation. ”

Physical education should give everyone the opportunity to develop within their limits and develop them equally. Being a responsible member of society and imparting empirical knowledge that can lead an excellent life is a life-oriented and progressive goal of physical education.

Each nation sets goals for education based on its social and political situation, including the goal of physical education. These goals are variable according to the needs of the nation. When any activity is initiated it is honored to be motivated by a certain goal. An activity started with a clear idea of ​​the goal is fruitful. There is physical education activity and educational activity. Hence the need to realize the goal behind his education. As time and circumstances change, so do the necessary changes.

Physical education is an effective process of educating a person and imparting social experience. There is a laboratory and hence there is a clear goal in physical education for the overall development of a person and there are specific objectives that complement it. Purpose is the ultimate goal. There is a purpose to achieving this goal which is called purpose. The goal can be one but the purposes for achieving it can be many. The physical education activity we want to achieve in the end is called the purpose of the activity. It is said that the purpose of physical education activity is to achieve the desired result. What we want to achieve through physical education activities, the results we want are called the objectives of physical education. These goals are the means to an end, not the end.

Developing physical ability::

  • To be helpful so that the student can create his own schedule for rest, all-round exercise.
  • Improving sleep, diet, exercise and health.
  • To help in the selection of appropriate physical education activities to overcome the physical defects of the student.
  • Establish body-mind correlation in physical education.
  • To develop a spirit of cooperation, sportsmanship, healthy play and team spirit.
  • To develop qualities like character, self-control, discipline, courage, patriotism, respect for others.
  • To develop a sense of responsibility, patriotism, a spirit of sacrifice, a sense of being useful to the neighbor.
  • Make good use of your free time.
  • Developing the art of self-defense.
  • Participate in sports and perform at the highest level at the state, national and international level, earning national honor through this.
  • Sport is a natural activity of life. To every child, young and old, towards the game

Therefore, simple games and activities like simple, big, relay, instrument exercises, exercises found through very useful sports, are physically healthy and invigorating, mentally useful in terms of training and knowledge of useful activities in terms of education and socially shaping citizenship. Recognizing this importance of sports activities, it has been given an important place in primary, secondary as well as higher education. With a view to the physical and mental development of the children, the curriculum has started with simple games and skillful big games.

The activities of the course are aimed at educating the children through physical activities. It is very important for the child to experience happiness and joy in the learning process. Thorn Dyke states in his rules of learning that "the feeling of learning becomes stronger or weaker in proportion to the experience of happiness or sorrow associated with the learning process." Sports activity provides children with a pleasant and enjoyable experience on the playground. As a result, learning is instinctively effective. ("Ambalal K. Patel et al., Physical Education Instrument Skills Art, (1st Edition: Ahmedabad: Dhawal Prakashan, 2000),

Active training is very important for the development of all the elements required for Muscular Fitness. Cyclic training involves 8 to 12 exercises. The frequency of each exercise is also determined. The order of exercise is also determined. There is also a set time of rest between completing one exercise and doing another. After completing one exercise, the second, third, eight to 12 exercises are done continuously without stopping. Thus a cycle of cyclical training is completed. Cyclic training usually consists of three to five cycles of training according to the needs of the player. After completing one cycle of training, the rest time is determined according to the training load given to the player. Cyclic training includes weightlifting exercises, other restraint exercises, callesthenics, running, swimming or stretching exercises.

How is the pattern of cyclic training determined? Or how is cyclic training designed?

The first is the leader / coach who measures the physical fitness of the players. He then determines what symptoms the player lacks according to the games, finds out and then devises a program of cyclical training to develop the missing symptoms. E.g. If you feel less strength in the shoulder muscles, keep the exercises for gaining strength in the cyclical training. If the speed seems less, keep one or two exercises for it. Thus one or two exercises for different types of features like muscle strength, flexibility, speed, endurance etc. are included in the cyclical training and the format of the training program is decided. Selection of exercises to determine the pattern of cyclic training, frequency of exercises

The duration of training, intensity of exercises etc. have to be decided. (Harshad I. Patel, Digisha H. Patel, Training Methods in Physical Education and Sports and Competition Planning, 1st Edition: Ahmedabad Krishna Graphics, 1996)

Plyometric Some limited exercises now originated in Europe. Then they knew about jump training. Prior to 1970, the interest in jumping training was exacerbated by the influence of Eastern European athletes on world sports. Plyometric Fedwilt was the first coin to be minted in 1975. The same American sports coaches were far ahead in ideas. The beginning is derived from the original Latin language. Plyometric means "extremely tough." Where foreign exercises were reliably consistent with Eastern European superior ideas in constantly competitive and evolving sporting activities. Plyometric continuous coaches and athletes (athletes) understood the purpose of exercise and disciplined training and that the force was generated by combining force with speed during movement. In plyometric training, the jump, lift or throw was the most important thing.

Fredwilt, former U.S. The long-distance runner at the Olympics relied on coins bouncing at plyometric times. He added that it was not a very good period but the way they emerged from watching the warm-up exercises for Russia's sports leap. That was the best. He could not understand why these Russians take such jumping exercises for warmth. While Americans do strenuous stress exercises. But there is a reason to accept it firmly. Why do they succeed in so many activities? Its beginnings gained great popularity in the plyometric times before 1980 and are now well established. When Dr. Friedwilt learned to finish the job. Michael Thesis's Russian training methods help in disseminating information by assembling a task sensitively on plyometrics.

Plyometric (shock method) Dr. Yuri Verkhobansky after 1960, before 1970

Built it. At that time plyometric stress system so far always try to improve, implement in sports, notice the limit of the number related to sports these applet players) will always jump deeper, this exercise is the key to stress method. It is true that building under Verkhobhansky's guidance, the jump technique plyometric exercise or jumping exercise survives in a similar way regardless. Bend from this waist Plyometric training improves the appearance of jumping symptoms in basketball players and Cortzamnides (2006). In fact, the appearance of plyometric training jumps increases speed in better boys. However, the program of standing and stretching is not intended. Following as mature as before should make sense to get great looks. Then plyometric training is combined with inhibitory training. To compare our knowledge with systematic, future studies, the effects of combining plyometric training and inhibitory training with inhibitory training and persistent stress in children and adolescents, including youth in future reports The effect of plyometric training that controls the condition of the physical education class of sports training. Or there is no control over the study group. ' In sports, aspects like high speed, endurance, muscle strength, speed, flexibility, etc. are considered important. Athletes' physical fitness is considered more important than anything else. It is difficult to achieve success in sports activities like handball, skateball, volleyball, hockey, sports etc. without the necessary aspects of physical fitness. Therefore, speed and speed are important in any kind of game. Players prepare for the games with the goal of "play only if you win in today's fast-paced competitive age". Players are trained to keep their morale very high. In today's competitive age, new records or world records are being set in a short time. Speed ​​is an important feature of today's game. The records that were set in earlier games. It remained attached to the name of a single player for years. But this is not the case today. The same can be said of diet

Equally important is a nutritious diet. These are the reasons why there is a huge difference in today's sports and in sports performance and physical activities. 

Physical fitness components include body and muscle speed and strength, muscle and heart endurance, lung function, joint flexibility, muscular dynamics, body balance, accuracy in functioning, etc. Different types of training methods for the development of physical fitness components include weight training, isotonic, isometric and isokinetic training methods, circuit training, interval training, partlag training and plyometric training.? Exercise is an important part of overall development. It develops the body's lift, flexibility, agility, balance, speed, reaction time, strength and endurance. The body's internal systems improve with exercise. Normal actions are stimulated, breathing is improved, muscles are developed, heat is increased in very small arteries, skin is expanded, which improves heat control, and chemical changes are made in the body to suit the dominant functions.

Some exercises and activities are adapted to certain seasons of the year and the climate.

In terms of health, the time after 5 in the morning and evening is considered appropriate and advisable for exercise. Exercise eliminates waste generated after a full day of work and stimulates the body's systems.

Achieving excellent and good physical health should be the goal of everyone. All the exercises given in this book are useful for that. Not only this, it is also very useful for keeping the body in shape for various sports, that is, for developing strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and balance in a person. Exercises should start with easy and laborious exercises and gradually increase the amount of labor towards more laborious exercises which should be done in a row without interrupting the exercises indicated for conditioning the sport. Not only that, but the rhythm and rhythm should be maintained keeping in view the speed of these exercises.

There are five main factors of physical ability. Their four factors or basic elements such as force, speed, endurance, and flexibility. The fifth factor is "speed coordination". Before 1978, co-ordinative ability was known as agility. Scientist Blume, based on his scientific findings in 1978, presented to the field that agility is a combination of several (7 types of kinetic forces) and since then the term kinetic power has become prevalent and established as the fifth factor of kinetic factors. Intermediate cognition is the power under control and regulation.

Thus, it is also difficult to define kinetic energy as an easily incomprehensible force. However, Zimmerman (1983), Hartz (1985) and Meinel and Schnabel (1987) have given special explanations for the power of kinetic energy.

Force is a direct measure of muscle contraction. Different types of physical education activities as well as different types of sports are due to muscle contraction. Force is therefore an important and integral part of all dynamic actions, skills, and tactical or tactical actions. Therefore, strength is very important to achieve high level achievements in various activities and sports.

  • According to Hardayalsingh, "force is the power to overcome an obstacle or to act against an obstacle."
  • As far as we know, the use of any kind of force is not possible without resistance. That is, if an obstacle is created or erected, force remains necessary to overcome it.
  • The types of force are as follows. (1) Highest force (2) Explosive force (3) Endurance
  • Force (4) static force (5) kinetic force (6) relative force

Not all players have the same physical fitness. Physical fitness also includes elements like mental, social and spiritual etc. Thus physical fitness is a combination of many components. This allows the player to perform better in the game or competition. So it is very important to have all these characteristics. At the same time agility, speed, endurance, balance, determination are all components of efficiency. This is because all the characteristics of physical fitness are associated with a particular muscle. Extremely necessary in the game and it becomes useful to skillfully perform. It has to do with muscle. Physical fitness is helpful not only in sports but also in mental health. To lay the foundation for physical fitness, we must continue to improve the existing physical education program and develop and organize new programs where needed. These programs should include health protection, health guidance and health education as a proven tool for health development. Power and endurance to develop organic passions, develop social qualities and teach skills that are leisure activities as forms of self-confidence. They should be included as methods of physical education. Developing such programs is a difficult task. It requires trained leadership, time, thought and money. But nothing less than excellent should be run. Programs in this field will give us the desired result. We currently think of physical fitness as a part of creative happiness and full life.

Speed ​​is the power of a person to keep one type of motion constant in a minimum time, the number of motions during a given unit of time is speed. E.g. In a fast run the speed of the legs during a given unit of time i.e. speed, muscle power and speed are closely related. Success in fast running cannot be achieved without the muscle strength required for fast leg movement. Doing the same thing with the idea of ​​muscle power and speed decreases. There is an element of speed in many true sports skills. E.g. Basketball, football, baseball etc.

"Agility is the power of a person to change a situation" e.g. The game of football also includes the ability to change direction in agility such as paying the ball, which is important in football, basketball, hockey, softball and sports.

  • Speed ​​is an important requirement in deft work. A person who makes the transition from one position to another quickly and harmoniously requires a high degree of agility.
  • Problem-Solving: A Study of the Impact of Cyclical Training and Plyometric Training on Students' Physical Fitness

Area Boundaries:

In this research study, students of Std-9 to 12 of Takkar High School (Rann) of Tikkar village in Halwad taluka of Morbi district were selected as subject matter.

  • In this research study, the children of guardians working in Agaria were limited.
  • 90 student brothers were selected as subject matter in this research study.
  • The research study included 30 students in the cyclic training group, 30 students in the plyometric training group and 30 students in the controlled group.
  • In this research study the first group was kept as cyclical training, the second group as plyometric training and the third group as control group.
  • This research study was limited to 14 to 17 year old student brothers Came.

  • Physical fitness components such as strength, speed, flexibility, agility and circulatory endurance were considered in this research study.
  • Measurement of the explosive force of the foot within the force component in this research studyWas done.
  • This research study measured circulatory endurance within the endurance component.


  • The lifestyle of the subjects selected for this research study, their habits,
  • His daily routine, dietary matters etc. were the limitations of this study.
  • The tools used for the test in this research study are from this study There was a limit.
  • The hereditary side of the subject matter was taken into consideration in this research studyWere not.

Objectives of the study

  • Explosive force of students' feet through cyclic training and plyometric training
  • The purpose of examining the effects on the speed of students through cyclic training and plyometric training.

The purpose of the check

On the flexibility of students through cyclical training and plyometric training

Aims to examine the effects of cyclical training and plyometric training on students' agility. The aim is to examine the effects on students' circulatory endurance through cyclic training and plyometric training.


  • Cyclic training and plyometric training will make a significant difference in the explosive force of students' legs.
  • Significant difference in the speed of students will be seen through cyclic training and plyometric training.
  • Significant differences in students' flexibility will be seen through cyclical training and plyometric training.
  • Cyclical training and plyometric training will make a significant difference in students' agility.
  • Significant differences in students ’circulatory endurance will be seen through cyclical training and plyometric training.


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