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Tuesday 12 July 2022

7 Plants You Can Grow in Water—No Soil Necessary

 7 Plants You Can Grow in Water—No Soil Necessary

How to Grow Plants in Water

Growing plant in water can be as  easy as placing cuttings in a watertight   craft . However, if you want your plant to  flourish and eventually  harvesting home bread, a little more work is involved. Here's what you need to grow plants in water.

The Right Water for Hydroponic Houseplants

clumsy  water is best for plants. Use tap water that has sat at room temperature overnight for best results. Most plants only need a monthly water change to stay healthy, but that depends on the type of  craft, the plant, and the amount of sunlight it gets. Over time, the water will evaporate from the container. Replenish the water weekly and completely change the water once it starts to look  darky.

 7 Plants That Can Grow in Water


Any soft-stem herb will pull thought solely in water. It's crucial to cut from the soft, green stem and not the woody stem for best results. Herbs with woody stems will survive, but the stem tends to  obtain mushy before it roots. Take a cutting from a mature, healthy plant and place it in a sunny spot. Herbs need plenty of bright, indirect light to thrive. 

2) Vegetable Scraps

Regrowing vegetable scraps such as lettuce, green onions, and carrot tops is a fun way to reuse parts of the vegetable you typically toss. However, don't expect a large harvest from them—regrowing scraps is mostly for fun. Keep about three inches of the bottom part of vegetables and place them in a shallow bowl of water. Your scraps will root and put out new growth from the center. 

3) Lucky Bamboo

This plant is almost  simply sold in a jar of water. Most of the time, the bamboo is held in place by a layer of pebbles to help stabilize the stems. All you need to do is add enough water to keep the roots covered. It doesn't need fertilizer, but you can give it very diluted fertilizer monthly. 

4) Pothos

This easy-to-grow houseplant grows happily in water. Pothos produces plenty of auxin, a hormone in plants that regulates growth and helps stimulate root growth. Many houseplant parents mix pothos cuttings with other stems they want to propagate to speed up growth. It's also a veining plant that produces aerial roots, making it even easier to root out. All these roots need is exposure to water to have a growth spurt. The same holds true for any vining plant, including monstera, English ivy, and hoyas. 

5) Philodendron

Philodendrons have either a vining or upright growth habit. The vining varieties, including heartleaf, Brasil, and micans can be grown similarly to pothos in water. You will need to make sure you cut below a leaf node for the upright varieties such as pink princess, lemon lime, and birkin before placing them in water.

6) Coleus

This colorful foliage plant roots quickly in water. Take a six-inch cutting and remove the leaves from the bottom four inches before placing it in water. Keep the cutting in a sunny spot and fertilize monthly for best results. 



All types of begonia grow well in water, but Rex and tuberous varieties do abnormally well. As long as you take a healthy stem cutting with a node, these lovelies will root. It will take several weeks before you see any root development, but don't worry. As long as the leaf and steam look great, change the water regularly and be patient. 

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